P0-A9: Part 891: Traits, Character Development, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on May.02, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
All of the foundation code for the traits has been added. I can add and remove traits, store them on the server, and page them to other multiplayer clients. I can also add traits when specific conditions are met (such as number of kills, skill level, number of items crafted, etc). I have also added […]
P0-A9: Part 890: Traits, Character Development, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on May.02, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have been working on adding a large number of traits and attributes to the player. Some of these will be chosen by the player under certain conditions, some will be earned when the player reaches a particular skill level, others will be awarded for specific in-game actions or achievements. So far, there are about […]
P0-A9: Part 899: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.25, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have spend a lot of time on the skill and attribute based system. The preliminary code is now basically working, and is synced properly with the server. The next step is to add the actual “hooks” that will detect when the player has improved a skill or picked up an attribute, and will then […]
P0-A9: Part 898: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.25, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have added a dialog system that allows the AI to respond with various specific pieces of dialog depending on where the player is, and what buildings, etc, are nearby. In addition, I am working on a complex skill and ability based system for the project. I have already done some work on this, but […]
P0-A9: Part 897: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.25, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have added all random objects to the world, along with triggers and random item spawn points, etc. These seem to work well. I have also added the different city buildings, and verified that they work properly within the larger random spawning system.
P0-A9: Part 896: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.25, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have finished the artwork for the new city objects. I have created about 12 different types of city building, and many other buildings types as well. The next step is to integrate these into the project. I want to create different types of cities with different buildings, as well as the chance for random […]
P0-A9: Part 895: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.18, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
The modelling for all of the new objects is now done. I have not yet textured the models, but I will do this next week. I am mainly planning to increase the variety of artwork in the game, and add more city types and random building types for the player to explore. In the next […]
P0-A9: Part 894: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.18, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have been working on some additional artwork for the project. I am going to create some new random building types, and some new city types. The current artwork that I am working on is modular, and in the future, I could possibly add the ability for complex buildings to be constructed from simple elements, […]
P0-A9: Part 893: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.18, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have spent quite a lot of time adding a large number of additional resources to the project. It is now possible to harvest, store, and trade a wide variety of resources, both in space and on the planet surface. I will extend the trading and harvesting system in the future, and allow trading between […]
P0-A9: Part 892: Art, Improvements, Etc.
by PhoenixGames on Apr.11, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
The client-side code for the mining and scientific research is done. It is very simplistic at the moment, but it is proof of concept. The next step is to add the server side code, which will involve changes to the database.