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P0-B7: Part 1404: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.28, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

In addition to the other gui improvements, I have also improved the scanner. It can now detect multiple objects, instead of just the closest one. This fixes a problem where the player cannot detect distance objects when they are too close to another object. The main issues left to fix now are the issues with […]

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P0-B7: Part 1403: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.28, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have completed another full test run of the game, and uncovered a few more minor bugs. There were also some additional issues that were caused by changes to the system to improve functionality. I have made improvements to the dynamic quest system, the subtitles, and fixed some issues with AI and item placement. I […]

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P0-B7: Part 1402: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.28, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have fixed a minor issue with NPC’s spawning into the world with the wrong world space position. This was causing their position to change incorrectly during the game. I have also made several balancing changes to the game, mostly focusing on harvesting, etc. I have also fixed many more minor bugs and issues that […]

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P0-B7: Part 1401: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.21, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have found, and fixed, a tricky issue with the physics system in the project. I was have issues with raycasts intermittently failing. The cause turned out to be objects with rigidbodies attached that were far from the origin. However, in unity, rigidbodies cannot be disabled, so I had to remove the rigidbodies when the […]

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P0-B7: Part 1400: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.21, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have discovered, and fixed, an issue with AI placement within cities. This is also a longstanding bug, so it is good to get this fixed. I have also made improvements to the driving physics, for vehicles. Steering was too sensitive, and braking was not responsive enough, these issues are much improved now. In addition, […]

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P0-B7: Part 1399: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.21, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have added an optional background highlight to the text to make it more easily visible in bright conditions. This is something that was needed for some time. I have also made some improvements to the AI, but there is still an issue here that I need to track down at some point. The CreatureAI […]

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P0-B7: Part 1398: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.14, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I am continuing to extensively test and improve the project. There are still more bugs to fix, and lots of balancing and design improvements to make, before the project is ready for a beta. However, I am making good progress. I have made improvements to the items, and the general look and feel of the […]

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P0-B7: Part 1397: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.14, 2024, under Art and Designs, Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have made some improvements to the inventory. Previously, it was necessary to equip all inventory items before they could be combined with the item being crafted, but this was tedious, especially for complex crafting objects with many pieces. I have now added the ability to craft items directly from the main inventory, without the […]

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P0-B7: Part 1396: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.14, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have made some improvements to the character creator, and I have done some basic multiplayer testing. I will need to do a lot more multiplayer testing later, this is an area of the project that has not been tested extensively enough. I am also working on more retests of the project, and with each […]

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P0-B7: Part 1395: Debugging, Improvements

by on Apr.07, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B7, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have successfully uploaded my first test build to steam! It is now possible for me to begin the beta testing phase, invite beta players, etc, etc. I am not quite ready to do this yet, but the project is now technically ready for this step. The steam API is also working properly too. There […]

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