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P0-B8: Part 1433: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.30, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

The rotation issue is more or less solved. There are a few minor issues with it still, but it is mostly working. The quest system also works quite well, and I added support for NPC’s, etc, to be spawned dynamically during story quests.

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P0-B8: Part 1432: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.30, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have tested most of the new features that I added, and everything is working well. There were a few minor issues, but these were fixed quickly, and I have made some improvements. I have also made some improvements to the procedural story system which should be useful for the future. There are still some […]

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P0-B8: Part 1431: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.30, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have been adding more new features and support for the quest and story system. I have added the ability for the playe to take control of turrets manually and control them in first person, as well as some other minor improvements. I am also working on testing the new improvements and additions.

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P0-B8: Part 1430: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.23, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

The vast majority of the new features for the new quest are now done. I have added a new type of AI in addition to improvements to some of the combat mechanics. There are still a few things to do, but I should get this done next week, there shouldn’t be anything particularly difficult left.

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P0-B8: Part 1429: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.23, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

The issues with the floating origin system are basically done! The main issue was much simpler than I thought, and had nothing to do with the core mechanics. I have also fixed some minor issues, mainly with syncing the positions and rotations of all persistent objects to the server properly. The additional features needed to […]

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P0-B8: Part 1428: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.23, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I am still working on the concept for the new quest. There are several issues that I am running into with the floating origin system, however I am confident that the core mechanics of the project work fine. The issues are just with the fact that I am using the system in new and different […]

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P0-B8: Part 1427: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.16, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

The concept for the new quest is mostly done, with the exception of some bugs. There are some issues with the floating origin system, as well as some issues with arbitrary rotation of control objects. These are hopefully not too severe, and I can work on them later. There are also some issues with persistence […]

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P0-B8: Part 1426: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.16, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have begin working on the logic for the new quest. I have already made improvements to the quest logic and the main game logic, and so far things are going well. It is now possible to change zones and travel to distant stellar objects without being in a capital ship or shuttle. Any object […]

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P0-B8: Part 1425: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.16, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

The modelling and texturing for the next phase of the quest system is done. It is extremely basic, but it should be enough to get the concept for the quest working. The main goal is to add more features to the quest system, and further develop its capabilities, so that I can use this system […]

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P0-B8: Part 1424: New Quests, New Content

by on Jun.09, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I am now working on the artwork for the next quest. It is taking some time, since there are some technical requirements that the artwork has to fulfill, but it is going ok. The entire quest will take some time to do, and there will then be an extensive process of testing, etc, however the […]

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