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Visual Novel/Interactive Story System using AI-Generated Art

by on Dec.31, 2023, under AI, Software and Games, Software Engines

In addition to my main project, I have been working on a simple concept for a system (Using the Unity game engine) that I can use to create Visual novels, and interactive stories.

Initially, this will use simple 2D art, sprites, etc, which means I can generate almost all of the artwork using AI-Generated art.

However, if it works out, I can add more complex 3D geometry in future, and create point-and-click games, and other projects that are a hybrid of 2D and conventional 3D art.

Using AI generated art would allow me to develop smaller projects more quickly, while still being able to work on my main game, which I would not be able to do if I was working on multiple complex 3D projects.

Most of the basic logic for displaying, selecting, and interacting with sprites is already done for the interactive story system, as well as basic text display, etc.

The main problem now is figuring out how to generate consistent characters with stable diffusion.


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