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Update: Artillery!Debugging, and Additional Game Features, and new projects!

by on Nov.18, 2013, under News, Software and Games

This week I spent most of my time debugging and testing the codebase for Artillery. I am behind schedule on this, especially as there are still quite a few small and not-so-small jobs to do, such as an inventory system, several additional projectile options, support for teams, new levels, and the art assets for the game.

However, I do have most of the major functionality of the game done, and I expect it to be completed sometime in December.

I also have some ideas for new short games I intend to create, including a battleship clone and a chess game, as well as the major project that is still in the planning stages.

It has been a couple of months since I last worked on any electronics or arduino related project, and I have been looking forward to doing some more work in this area. With the launch of the new Arduino Yun I have been thinking up some new ideas. Once I get my hands on a Yun, I am going to see if I can use it to create a master server for indexing all of my multiplayer games.


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