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Weekly Update: 12/1/2014 Star Commander

by on Jan.13, 2014, under News

With the exception of some research and planning on the Thermal Imaging Camera, I spent all of my time this week working on the Star Commander game project.

I created a simple user interface, which I intend to replace soon with something more robust. To do this I need to dig deeper into T3D’s gui functions.

I also created, textured, animated, and mounted the primary weapon on the player, and added the fire commands. Weaponss are capable of single shot and burst fire modes. Single shot mode is more accurate, and more effective over longer ranges, while burst mode has the potential do do more damage, and is more effective over short ranges. There will also be fully automatic weapons in the game. I wanted this game to be real time, as opposed to turn based, and so I decided to continue executing the fire order at a given rate until it is either cancelled, or the target is killed or lost. This allows for reduced micromanagement on behalf of the AI.

I may post a tutorial on how I did the muzzleflashe for the weapon model, it’s a useful thing that a lot of people may not know, and it looks great ingame.

Smoke grenades have been added to the game, and will be joined by Fragmentation grenades soon. I do not have animations for them yet, or a smooth parabolic curve for throwing them, but the smoke effect is looking quite good.  I am still working on a few things, but I hope that they will be done fairly soon.



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