Spiritus Astrum [P0-B10]: p1483: Towards Early Access
Most of the code for the new space combat mechanics is done. I had some issues with projectiles, not working properly with the floating origin system, but I have finally solved these issues.
I have added new features and UI improvements to the space combat system, as well as guided missiles (For both players and enemies) and other projectile types.
In addition, I have improved and extended the existing decoy and electronic countermeasures systems to work with the new mechanics.
I am now working on adding the new player-controlled fighter craft. The artwork is not yet finished, but I am adding the code for it, and so far, it is working well.
Players should be able to customise their weapon loadout, etc, with the new vessel.
So far, this is all progressing well.
The next step is to add a new capital ship to the game, this will be difficult, because so far, the game only contains one capital ship, so adding a second will require changes to the core mechanics.