Spiritus Astrum [P0-B9]: p1471: Towards Early Access
I have been mostly working on creating some new art objects for the game. I will have these done relatively quickly. I then intend to improve the exploration and story elements of the game.
I have also been working on improving how prefabs are stored and organised in the game, which should make it easier to reuse them later with other art objects.
I have also been working on integrating KoboldCPP support into the UDream LLM asset.
I believe I have solved the problem, it was really just a minor formatting issue caused by the data coming from KoboldCPP not being in the same format as what UDream was expecting.
I have also added a chat-style interface to SpiritusAstrum that will be used for the LLM system when it is integrated. It is very basic at the moment, but it allows for scrolling, and multiple messages to be viewed at once, as well as basic colour coding.
I have also integrated it into the existing dialog systems.
I will probably finish the modelling next week. I still have a few objects to go, and I need to adjust the scale, etc, to make sure everything is consistent.