Spiritus Astrum [P0-B10]: p1481: Towards Early Access
I am continuing to work on the art and art concepts, as well as the story, for the early access release of the project.
In addition, I have started added more gameplay features to the game.
I have started work on improving the space combat section of the game.
I am adding in the ability for the player to engage in dogfighting with other craft (In addition to combat involving capital ships). I am also working on designs for new starfighters and transport ships, which will hopefully feature in the story.
I have already added basic combat-related code to the players main shuttle, and this seems to work well. I still need to add more gui support to indicate where the player should be aiming, etc, but so far, the new changes are going well.
I am now working on the enemy AI for space combat. This will be kept fairly simple for the moment, but I will be incorporating things like guided missiles, shields, countermeasures/decoys, and possibly cloaking/stealth, etc.