Spiritus Astrum [P0-B9]: p1474: Towards Early Access
This week, I have been mostly working on the concept for the new region system in Spiritus Astrum.
This system basically divides worlds into large regions, each with their own tech levels, from primitive, to industrial, to modern, to futuristic.
I have enough artwork at the moment to make this system work, although I intend to expand it with a lot more artwork later.
The region system is basically working now, although it is not 100% done.
The system is quite complex, I can add each ground cover object to multiple regions, with a probability for each. So, an item might be common in an industrial region, and uncommon in a modern region, and not appear at all in other regions.
I have yet to fully test this system, but so far, it looks promising.
Crucially, the region system works persistently, using the seed of the terrainchunk to make sure that the same objects appear every time (and in the same location, etc).
Additonally, I have added LLM support to Spiritus Astrum. This, again, is just a concept so far, but I think there is huge potential here that I intend to look at more in the future, when I get more time.
The LLM support works with both LAN servers, local Kobold CPP servers, and loading models directly within unity (Although this seems much slower for some reason). I am using UNDREAM for the LLM support, as mentioned in my other posts on AI.
I have also started doing some more testing and bug fixes. Some issues have crept into the project with all of the improvements that I have been making. There is an issue with shaders breaking when in combat with an AI that I am having difficulty solving.