Project 128: DNS Dictionary: Automated WHOIS Lookup Tool

DNS Dictionary is a program designed to automate the process of performing WHOIS searches of large numbers of website addresses, making it perfect for domain resellers. It accepts text files containing lists of dictionary words as input, and performs a… more »

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Quest for the Ark Part 1

Quest for the Ark is a game demo I created some time ago. It is a survival horror game with a strong emphasis on puzzle solving as well as combat. The player wakes up alone in a vast forest after a severe storm forced their plane to crash. They have no… more »

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Project 126: Fiber Optic Light

  The goal of this project was to create a simple fiber optic lamp using an Attiny 85 an RGB LED, and soe Fiber Optic tubing. I originally wanted it to be solar powered, but I didn't have enough solar panels, so I instead connected it to a battery pac… more »

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Project 125: Solar Light

The aim of this project was to create a simple solar power light. I wanted to create a slightly different version than the ones you usually see for sale, and so, instead of enclosing the LED in a conventional enclosure, I bought some perspex and drilled… more »

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Project 114: VLF Antenna Opamp Split Power Supply

The main goal of this project is to build an Antenna and Receiver system capable of picking up "Radio Atmospherics" or "spherics". I am using this project primarily as a testbed for building antennas and related receivers and processing circuits, with a… more »

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