Project 114: VLF Antenna Opamp Split Power Supply

The main goal of this project is to build an Antenna and Receiver system capable of picking up "Radio Atmospherics" or "spherics". I am using this project primarily as a testbed for building antennas and related receivers and processing circuits, with a view to possibly building more advanced and powerful systems in the future.

I have built and tested a very simple antenna successfully, using a speaker for the output. I now need to find a way to digitise the signal so that I can connect it to a computer for processing. I am trying to do this with an Op Amp (Operational Amplifier), which required a split power supply.

The circuit below provides it with positive voltage, 0 Volts, and Negative voltage. I have purchased a 12v to 24v boost converter, which means I can use a 12V battery to provide +12V, 0V, and -12V, which should be enough to power the OpAmp.


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