Astral Realms is now Live!

Astral Realms is now Live!

I have finally uploaded the Astral Realms Alpha Demo. There is a Windows only Game client (Created with GarageGames' Torque 3D engine) here:

Astral Realms Alpha Demo - Windows

This is a 168MB .rar file. I have also made a (signed) Android App, this is available here:

Astral Realms Alpha Demo - Android

This is only 60KB, because it is a simple telnet client, with the added ability of being able to use a mobile devices GPS equipment to create and read markers near at your current location.

I posted the high concept document for Astral Realms yesterday, here is the link to that in case you missed it:

Astral Realms High Concept Document

Bear in mind of course that this is an early "Alpha" release of the game, and there will be bugs and unexpected behavior, particularly with regards to server connections, firewalls, and several users connecting at the same time. I have posted a guide to the game below, with more information, please read this first before downloading anything. It is also included in the downloads, along with the high concept document.


Astral Realms


Phoenix Game Development

December 2012


User Guide


What to Expect


This is an early Alpha release of “Astral Realms”. Expect bugs, crashes, and odd behaviour.

Any issues can be reported to:


At this stage in the project, the art is very basic. Menu's and Icon's use standard template graphics, and environment art is quite basic too. This is intended as a gameplay and concept test.


Playing the Game: Commands and Controls

Currently, there are Three types of supported client for Astral Realms:

  • Torque 3D Graphical Client

  • Telnet

  • Android App


Torque 3D Graphical client

This client features a standard first person interface.

Pressing “ESC” opens the main menu.

Pressing “CTRL + O” brings up the in-game options menu, where you can customise the resolution, window size, etc etc.

From here you can “Create a New Character” by clicking on the appropriate button and filling out the fields. NOTE: Avatar names cannot contain spaces!

You can now “Login” from the same menu. The default IP and port should not be changed unless otherwise specified on the website.

Once logged in, the “Journal” will allow you to access two different realms.

Right clicking on the terrain or on an object on the terrain will allow you to perform a variety of context sensitive actions, from Looking at objects and searching the environment to reading markers left by other players and creating your own.



Astral realms supports the use of any third party telnet client, including the standard client packaged with Microsoft windows.

Simply type: “open 5217” to open a connection to the server.

Typing “Create” will prompt you to create a character. NOTE: Avatar names cannot contain spaces!

You may now Login by opening a new connection and typing “Login”.

On text-based clients, all commands must be prefixed with a “:” operator. A complete list of commands for the current realm can be obtained by typing “:COMMANDS”.

Typing “:REQUESTREALMLIST” will display a list of currently accessible realms, (the same realms as are available on the graphical client).

Typing “:ENTERREALM <REALM>” will allow you to access the realm.

In the ocean realm, you must type “:REQUESTMESSAGE” and wait for a random interval before a mesage will appear. You may then read and reply to it. Only one message may be received at once.


Android App

The Android App is a text-based Telnet client, but it has the added ability that it access a mobile devices GPS equipment and use it to post a virtual marker at your current location, along with a message, as well as search and GPS markers left by others in your approximate location.
The GPS “Realm” is only accessible to devices using the Android App. To access it, type “:ENTERREALM GPS” in the App's command bar. Typing “:COMMANDS” in this realm will display a list of the realm specific commands, just like in the other realms.



The objective of Astral realms is to explore and make contact with other players by reading “posts” or markers left by them, or by leaving your own. You cannot directly interact with other players, only with markers left behind.
Using the “Search” command in some Realms will allow you to uncover footprints, following them may help you find markers left by other players.

There are “landmarks” in some realms that may attract passing players, they may be a good place to search for markers. Using the “Look” command will alert you if you are near a landmark.


Bugs/Known Issues


Sending the “:COMMANDS” command on the Android client will not display the GPS realm in the realm list, even though it is available.



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