Lots of level design pics, and details of the alpha release!

I have the level design finished, it's came out looking ok I think. The game world is a single, large, island. Player can choose to spawn at any of 4 major locations on the island: The Forest, Lighthouse, Lake, and Castle. There are no load zones at all besides the initial level load, so it is quite possible to travel from one location to the other without using the spawn menu (which is always accessible by pressing the "escape" key anyway).
Each spawn point has it's own distinctive building. The forest has a cross between a mayan temple and an asian pagoda style roof:

The lake has a building inspired by a greek temple:

The castle is something i'm particularly proud of. It's a Japanese castle that I made some time ago. I based it roughly on the famous Himeji castle. It has several floors, including 2 underground, and an accessible roof.

View from one of the windows of the castle:

I dont have any close-ups of the lighthouse, but it's has a long spiral staircase that I think looks good.

Theres a few more miscellaneous images here if you want to see for yourselves, just click in the image name:

All Spiritus Astrum Images

Next! I hope to finish the demo (I am calling it Milestone 1) of spiritus astrum by the first week of march. It is a very simple foundation, which I will extend significantly in MS2 and in future milestones.
I have decided to release MS1 on an invitation only basis. This is primarily because, being at such an early stage, there are bound to be certain problems, and I don't want to publicly release something until it has reached a certain standard.
So, when I release the game, just email me if you want a copy. I haven't compressed it yet, but the source folder is about 200 mb's in size, so it will be less than that.

That's all, hopefully my next post will be at the release of MS1!

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