Update: January 2009

Just a quick update, no major news. I *finally* implemented the colour selection feature. It took a lot of work, and a lot longer than expected, but it's done. The player can now change the colour of almost anything: clothes, skin, hair, and soon, even accessories, like sunglasses and beards!
I think it was worth the time it took to implement this, because the player has the ability to choose any shade of any colour that they can think of. The alternative was to allow them to pick from a handful or predetermined colours, which would dramatically reduce the originality of user's avatars. One of the main goals of this project is to allow the user unparalled control over their game experience, this is an important step towards that.
I also learned a little about shaders while working on this, since I had to modify a pixel shader to apply the colour change to the texture that the user had selected.
Here is an in-game screenshot of a character using the new colour selection: (Click for fullsize)

You'll notice that I still dont have any textures to speak of. I'm still using the single-colour textures, I intend to do some texturing this month hopefully. I then need to do some debugging, and build a level. I also need to implement some other, minor features.
I don't know if it will be worthy of a demo at this stage, I may have to wait until I've got some actual gameplay, and then advertise it a little.
However, I do seem to be getting a fair amount of hits on this blog, so if you want to play an early demo, let me know.
I'll talk more about the next stage of the project (which I am calling Milestone 2, or MS2, this is Milestone 1) a little close to the time.
That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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