Project 131: Artillery! Update: Bug Fixes, Gui Additions, Ai, and Wind
I am now coming close to achieving feature completion with this project. I have added a menu which shows an analysis of the previous shot taken by the player, making it easier to adjust the settings for the subsequent shots. This allows the game world to be bigger, and shots to be taken over longer […]

System Instability, Slowdowns, Blue Screens, and faulty RAM
I lost quite a bit of time this week due to major system instabilities I was getting on my main work machine. I was getting frequent Blue Screens, with seemingly random causes. I initially assumed the problem was due to a problem with Flash on my firefox browser, because switching to Chrome actually fixed the […]

Project 131: Artillery! Update AI: Random Level Creation, New Projectile Types
This is an update on my latest game project, Artillery! This is also, incidentally, the first real post in my new blog! The project is coming along well, I have completed the AI code, tested and debugged the network play feature, and I am currently finishing up the random level creator. I have also […]