P-149: Firefox Extension (Advanced Search Feature)
I had an idea for an advanced search feature which I wanted to try out. This feature basically searches through a block of text for a search term, and will find the term even if it is obfuscated or misspelled. It does this by searching through a block of characters at a time, and comparing the number of times characters in the search text appear in the search term. If this is over a certain value, this is deemed to be a match.
I had originally intended to test this idea out with a conventional C++ or Java program, but I thought that in the modern world, people don’t really download executables any more. Everything is delivered online, through flash, or through apps. So, I decided to write an addon for Firefox. I had never written one before, so I thought it would be a valuable learning experience.
I also decided to use Github for this project, since I had never used it before for a project of my own, although I do use it with the T3D game engine.
Installing the addonsdk for firefox was very straightforward, and I am using UltraEdit, my regualr text editor, for programming. Firefox used Javascript for it’s addons, and Ultraedit supports syntax highlighting for JavaScript.
The learning curve was quite steep initially, however I did succeed in getting my project working. I have some finishing touches to do, and I then need to package it so that it can be listed for download as a FireFox addon, but the project is essentially complete.
It can be accessed HERE.