Astral Realms Update: 25th November

The first Astral Realms concept Demo is now Feature Complete. It contains three playable realms, support for a Torque Graphical Client and Telnet Clients, and an Android Client that allows players to interact using the GPS equipment on their handset.… more »

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Astral Realms: First Look

As promised, I am posting some some very early screenshots of Astral Realms. These first two are images taken straight from Microsoft Telnet. I want to make this game as accessible as possible, and I intend to do that by coding t… more »

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Designing a Game: Common Mistakes

Today's post is about the all important first steps in any project, taking an idea and turning it into concrete, clear, and concise game design documents. I spend some time browsing message boards, and they are full of budding game designers with great… more »

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