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P0-B8: Part 1412: Debugging, Improvements

by on May.19, 2024, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_B8, Software and Games, Spirit of the Stars, Spiritus Astrum

I have made some improvements to the subtitles to improve legibility, as well as other minor GUI improvements.

I have also added more placement options for certain types of NPC’s in the world.

The next major goal is to improve the procedural generation system so that I can create planets with different types of city, or no city at all.

Currently, there is a random algorithm to determine where, and what type, of cities appear, but I want to improve this to work on a planetary scale.

So, for example, some planets might only have ruined cities, some might have no cities at all, some might have either, etc, etc.


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