Steam “Http Error 500” Error when uploading videos to community page: Workaround
by PhoenixGames on May.21, 2024, under Miscellany, Software and Games, Tutorials
Recently, when uploading videos to steam community, I noticed that I was getting an error (On Chrome, but all browsers/devices seem to be affected) that stated: “This page isn’t working, steamcommunity.com is currently unable to handle this request, HTTP ERROR 500″ Looking into this, I discovered this thread on the steam forums: Unable to Link […]
A Simple Beginners Guide to Creating the Same Character in Multiple Poses with Stable Diffusion
by PhoenixGames on Dec.31, 2023, under AI, Art and Designs, Tutorials
I also posted this guide to the reddit sub “/r/StableDiffusion” under the username “spiritusastrum”. Generating the same character in multiple poses is one of the most common questions for beginners in AI generated art. Most solutions involve LORA’s, Dreamboth, etc, etc, and these are preferred, however they are complex, and require good quality training sets. […]
P0-A9: Part 849: Multiplayer
by PhoenixGames on Jan.17, 2021, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0_A9, Software and Games, Tutorials
I have improved the communications dialogs, and fixed some issues with the GUI’s themselves, as well as changed the font settings to make them more visible, etc. I have also added the ability to communicate directly with users that are standing in front of the player, and to receive messages from them. The final feature […]
Unity: Evaluation Part 3
by PhoenixGames on Sep.11, 2016, under On Game Development, Software Engines, Tutorials
I have just spent a little over a day working on the scripting side of Unity, and I have achieved something that I feared would take weeks to complete. Not only did I successfully implement raycasting, but I was also able to create a polygon from code, texture it, and apply a collision mesh. These […]
Unity: Evaluation Part 2
by PhoenixGames on Sep.11, 2016, under On Game Development, Software Engines, Tutorials
I have completed a simple art Demo in Unity. This is a very basic demo of the standard features of the Unity editor, plus some assets from the asset store. I have not created any art for this demo. I think the near photorealistic nature of even the standard Unity tools is staggering, and the sheer […]
Unity: Evaluation
by PhoenixGames on Sep.11, 2016, under On Game Development, Software Engines, Tutorials
I have decided to begin evaluating the Unity game engine, after spending some time with Unreal a few months ago. I found Unreal to be quite difficult to use, and the Blueprint scripting system wasn’t to my liking. Unity, by contrast, seems to be much more user friendly, and I seem to be able to […]
P-171: Oculus Rift/Virtual Reality Demo Part 4: L3DT Terrain Generation
by PhoenixGames on Jun.12, 2016, under Art and Designs, Software and Games, Tutorials
I used L3Dt to create the terrain for this project. I haven’t used this program in some time, not since the old Atlas terrain that was used in previous incarnations of Torque. I find it quite powerful and easy to use, and even the standard, free version produces very good looking terrains. Most of the […]
Oculus Rift Support in T3D Part 2
by PhoenixGames on Jun.12, 2016, under Software and Games, Tutorials
I have finished integrating the Oculus Rift with T3d. In order to get rotation properly working I needed to add the bind command: “moveMap.bind(openvr0, “opvr_sensorrot0″, OVRSensorRotAA);” To config.cs, in addition to default.bind.cs. I also needed to specify “Rift headphones” as the audio device in the T3D options dialog. It may also be necessary to specify […]
P-171: Oculus Rift/Virtual Reality Demo Part 3: Oculus Rift Setup
by PhoenixGames on Jun.10, 2016, under Software and Games, Tutorials
I have made some significant progress in getting the Oculus Rift CV1 to work with T3D. As stated previously, I am using the Dx11/Open VR build from HERE. I am also using the latest OpenVR SDK, and the example project given in my recent blog post as well. The first thing that caught me was […]
P-171: Oculus Rift/Virtual Reality Demo Part 2: Mixamo Fuse animation, modelling, and T3D Integration
by PhoenixGames on Jun.10, 2016, under Art and Designs, Software and Games, Tutorials
Creating a Model in either the Steam edition or the Adobe Creative Cloud edition of Mixamo Fuse Character Creator is very simple. To get this character, and it’s animations, into T3D, is also, thankfully, simple. First, the model must be uploaded to the Mixamo website. From here, an animation pack can be easily created from […]