P0-A4: Part 614: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Sep.01, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
The build is compiling and running quite well. There are some bugs in the build, mainly involving file and folder directories which cannot be found. I need to update these references or manually copy the files from the Unity directory, this is not a priority for now. Other than that, the project seems to look […]
P0-A4: Part 613: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Sep.01, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I am still working on the testing and the debugging for this project. It is going reasonably well, and I am fixing a lot of bugs that have been on my list for a long time. The project is slowly becoming more stable. I aim to have a very basic, but functional concept verson done […]
P0-A4: Part 612: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Sep.01, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have spend some time refactoring the GUI’s in this project. I have fixed a number of bugs, and tested and improved the system. There are quite a number of bugs that still need to be fixed though. In particular, there are minor issues with zooming in on detailed screens and objects. I need to […]
P0-A4: Part 611: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Sep.01, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have not managed to fix the grass transparency issue, but it is not hugely noticeable at this point. I will need to fix it eventually, but it may be more involved than I thought.
P0-A4: Part 610: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Aug.25, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
The bug with the grass may not be fixable without extensive work. The issue is that the shader I am using is not designed for deferred rendering. When operating in deferred rendering, the skybox seems to render on top of the grass in certain cases. However, deferred rendering looks a lot better than forward rendering, […]
P0-A4: Part 609: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Aug.25, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I am currently trying to solve a long standing bug within the grass rendering system of the project. It seems that at certain orientations the grass does not render correctly. It is relatively minor, but it would improve the look of the grass if I could fix it.
P0-A4: Part 608: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Aug.25, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have been spending some time working on some lower-priority issues and bugs with the project, since I am coming to the end of A4. One of the goals that I have for the future is to add a transparency effect that would allow holes to be created in textures. I am not looking into […]
P0-A4: Part 607: Art
by PhoenixGames on Aug.25, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have modelled and textured a sword, for decoration, and to test my skills. Even with a relatively simple model, raytracing makes it look very good. I am hoping that in the future I can add raytracing support to the game itself, by using the HD render pipeline, but porting my project to this would […]
P0-A4: Part 606: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Aug.18, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have completed some extensive testing and debugging of the procedural planet generation system. This is the feature that wasn’t working properly with the previous Time of Day and Weather system, and it seems to work great now. There were some minor issues, which I fixed, and there are still some issues left, which need […]
P0-A4: Part 605: Debugging/Refactoring
by PhoenixGames on Aug.18, 2019, under Astral Realms, P-0, P0-A4, Software and Games, Spiritus Astrum
I have found, and fixed, quite a number of small, long-standing issues with the project. The radar has been refactored and tested, and I have optimised the project as well. The memory leak seems to be mostly fixed. I have also finalised the changes to the Azure sky system, although there are still some seams […]