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P-166: New Computer Build: December 2015: Part 6: Configuration

by on Jan.05, 2016, under Inventions, Tutorials

I am progressing well with setting up my new machine, and I’m posting this from it.
I am still Enjoying Windows 10, despite some minor teething troubles (mostly involving me being unfamiliar with where the settings and options are).

I have installed the new version of Visual Studio Express (2015) and used it to compile the latest release of T3D. I had to install the June 2010 version of the DirectX SDK first though, since it is the latest version (The DX SDK is no longer current, but T3D still requires it).

Screenshot (14)Screenshot (16)Screenshot (13)

I also isnstalled Skyrim, to see how well my machine performs in games. As expected, when starting Skyrim for the first time, I got this message:

“Skyrim will detect your video hardware and set options accordingly”

And this was the result:

Screenshot (17)Screenshot (18)

If that’s not visible, it chose “ultra high quality” for the settings. Ignore the “Resolution” information, I am using a small monitor just to set up my new machine.

So far, so good. I am still figuring out how to use the new Windows 10 “Game bar” to take screenshots from in game, and on how to increase the resolution of the screenshot.

I also have a lot more software to install before I can switch to my new machine permanently.




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