Spiritus Astrum [P0-B10]: p1484: Towards Early Access
I am currently working on adding another control object for the new story.
The player won’t be able to control this directly (Like the existing capital ship), however it will serve as the main capital ship for the player for the duration of the new story.
It is possible to launch and retrieve small fighter craft from the new control object, and I am now working on extensive testing of the new mechanics that I have added here.
This new control object has involved extensive changes to the existing system, which will require a lot of debugging.
Most of the initial setup and story code is working, but the problem now is the floating origin system. There are some issues with the positions of the player objects not being set correctly, etc, due to the changes to the core mechanics.
I also had some issues with server paging, as well as the physics system, etc.
I have an extensive set of tests that I want to run, which I hope to finish next week. I can then continue with the new story elements.