I have made some small improvements to the project, but the main goal for this week was to create a dynamic navigation system for AI characters.
Currently, NPC’s use navmeshes when they are created in static locations (Such as cities, etc), but they use much simpler navigation code when they moving through the world.
I want to add the ability for the AI to generate a navmesh dynamically in the world too. This would not be used for pathfinding over long distances, since this wouldn’t be practical, but it would be used for situations where an player and an AI companion was exploring a location, or engaging in combat.
In this situation, the AI could generate a small navgrid graph and use this graph for transitioning through this particular complex area, and then transition back to the much simpler navigation system when the player and the AI move on to other areas.
This will be quite a complex feature to add though, because the graph will need to support an arbitrary up axis, as well as asynchronous generation, etc.